Friday Five – Morten Bo Jensen, chefsdesigner på Vipp

Fredag och det är dags för våran Friday Five. Det har varit ett uppehåll under sommar/semester men nu är vi tillbaka igen. Först ut med Morten Bo Jensen som är Chefsdesigner på Vipp där han i år firar 10-årsjubileum. Han är mannen bakom varenda Vipp-produkt sedan 2006, från Vipps tvättkorg och framåt. Med en orubblig tilltro till färre men bättre produkter, föredrar han uthållighet framför trender. Han har bevarat pedalhinkens DNA från 1939 i alla produkter han har designat med målet att föra in de industriella funktionsprinciperna i privata hem.

Då vi själva är stora Vipp fantaster och älskar i princip allt som tas fram så blir man imponerad över hur man kan hålla den konsekventa stilen hela tiden.

Vi passade på att ställa 5 snabba 🙂  

1. What music are you listening to when you want to be creative?
Music has this magnificent ability to ignite emotions and I’m particularly font of the ’discover’ function in Spotify. But i don’t specifically relate music to creative sessions where i often prefer complete silence or the dynamics of conversation.

2. Where comes your interior and design interest from?
Both of my grandmothers where frugal creaters an keen with getting much out of a little. I think it inspired to an imaginative mindset that just exploded with admiration when I grew old enough to apreciate the variety of great spaces and objects mankind has managed to create and impact the world with. Personally I am more busy with this context then that of trends & fashion in interior design which I honestly find a little irellevant.

3. What design (furniture, art, architecture) you would wish that you had created?
Pantheon (in Rome), the iPhone and the Mars Pathfinder are all projects of which I would have loved to be a part of the design team.

4. What is happening this weekend?
I am going to Berlin with two good friends of mine that are both Architects. Apart from having a great time with dear friends of mine, I hope to see the crazy Boros art project!

5. Do you have any projects going on right now?
Always! At Vipp we are on quest of trying to impact the world with highly-durable-great-quality-investment-products-that-never-tires-your-eye! Having extended the product line with Vipp kitchens, Vipp lighting and even a Vipp house to list a few we see ourselves as barely just started with much more to come.

/Jenny & Linda,


Foto: Vipp