Naturliga prints från danska Silke Bonde

Letar du efter inspiration till tavelväggen?. Då kommer här ett tips! Vi har nämligen fastnat för ljuvliga Silke Bonde´s naturliga prints. Så här säger hon om sin nya kollektion!
”With this small collection I wanted to invite the nature inside. Both art prints are inspired by the beautiful ‘skeleton’ you will find in a leaf, always varying from one another and forming its own natural expression and thereby creating small and unique pieces of art… ’Leaf me’ is showing the beauty of the natural lines and patterns you will find in a leaf while ‘Cove’ represents the importance of the water and it’s ability to create life.”’. Limited edition: 300 ex. Pris ca 1 000 kr.

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Foto: Silke Bonde
/Jenny & Linda,